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2010年06月22日 猫が来た [長年日記]

_ アーサーくん





_ キジトラの男の子。

推定4月生まれ。 ノミ、ダニ、回虫、ミミヒゼンダニ駆虫済み。 2週間後に瓜実条虫の投薬予定(2回)。 アーサーくん

_ 手足が長くて大きいです。

元気でとても人懐こい。 アーサーくん
本日のツッコミ(全1件) [ツッコミを入れる]
_ cheap Dragon's prophet gold (2013年06月09日 01:53)

I got any cheap Dragon's prophet gold to get our Fifteen year old daughter. She is in love with these products. I aimed to place them on to find out if I would really prefer some, but you are hard for a mature man or woman to pull at whether they have had a higher curved foot or so. The several other set I aquired intended for my best Twelve month period year old granddaughter who seem to delights in them as well because of their privacy, fashionth, or anything else.